Wow. That was a loooooooong nap!
I’m teasing….I really didn’t just wake up from a two year long nap Although sometimes I FEEL like I have slept for a very long time like a couple light years or an hour or something. Like after the dog park. I come home. Drink water. Fall asleep. And when I wake up, it feels like I have been asleep for days. Or at least a few seconds. At least for a long time rather than a short time.
Hmmmm, not quite sure I have a clear cut concept of what time is. Or why I feel it necessary to end that last sentence with prepositions. Like that word? Prep-o-si-tion.
I think, pretty much, that I get the gist of time. Like the timeliness of when my dish should be filled is important; when we should go for a ride is really important; when my sidekick and I should go to bed (which is not as easy as taking a rawhide from a puppy mind you…my sidekick stays up way toooooooo laaaaaaaate) anyway…..this is ultra important.
The important things are easy to time because they appear in my dog psyche as urges and cravings. Things that should just be. But if you asked me what I have done over the past couple of years…while I haven’t been blogging….or has it been more like three days??….I don’t know.
Who I have met, the treats I have missed, how many balls we’ve left at various dog parks (don’t make me go there btw…it could bring us all to tears)…If I had to remember I couldn’t do it!
For example…I just woke up. I know. Shocking isn’t it? And I cannot recall whether I just woke up from my morning nap or if it is that time of the day when I am waiting for my sidekick to come home. You know…..from her time away from me. Which btw, I assume is spent hanging out in her own “side kick” type of dog park. Which I guess that would be a Side Kick park. That just sounds weird. What do side kicks do when they do not have us there to play with them? I don’t get it.
Anyway….memory loss may be adversely in relation to just how important it is to remember something)
Anyway…sheesh…..I feel longwinded on this one. That may prove in and of itself that I have indeed been gone for a long time! Anyway…Ops. I lost my point.
Oh yeah. Time. Which oddly enough, spelled backwards…is emit. Emit is a great word. I emit things all the time. Mostly to my sidekick. And most often in the form of trance-like communication. Like “goooooooo to the cabinetttttt and get a rawwwwwhiiiiiiiiiide for meeeeeeeeeee” or “get up, get up, it’s time to get up.” or “whyyyyyy are you petting that other dog? I am the only dog in your wooooooooooorld.”
You know…I like to keep it simple.
Maybe I should think of time in more familiar dog friendly terms. Like, for instance rawhide terms. For example:
Let’s say that the sleep we sleep at night with our sidekicks when everything is dark and the covers are warm and you can possibly share a pillow now and then… or take up most of the room down at the end of the bed for a few hours before being rudely awakened to move over……let’s say that this kind of sleep is like one of those big white rawhides. You know the ones. They are mysteriously shaped like bones? All twisted in the middle and knotted at the ends. It takes time to soften and chip away at this type of rawhide. Time passes while we chew and gnaw. Maybe even take a break in the middle to do whatever. But as most of us know. These take a while to get through. That measure of time right there is a long time.
Next we have medium time. Medium time would be our bigger flat rawhide ‘chip’. We can often get through one of these in one sitting but it may take some effort. Softening the edges, taking little chunks away until finally we have a pliable gummy outer covering with a somewhat resistant middle…which with experience, we know, will eventually gum up and become manageable only then having the potential to get stuck in the roof of your mouth if not sliding down the windpipe only to make us cough and choke loudly upsetting the SK’s!
Puppies… do not attempt these medium times on your own. There is a certain feeling
of panic that you may encounter when the rawhide gets stuck in the roof of your mouth. So puppies…just to be safe… DO NOT attempt to eat one of these medium time until you are the ripe age of 10 months or so. Maybe better make it a year.
Next is short time. In case you are wondering. Short time is NOT what it is taking to read this entire blog entry. WHOOF! But stick with me here dogs. A good and well rounded point is right around the corner. Sitting there with my favorite gunky tennis ball.
A short time. Let’s imagine that one of those little rawhide sticks your SK gives you when she is in one of her ‘funny haha’ moods. For her benefit, you wag your tail in a happy gesture, lie down, stick the tiny piece of hyde between your paws and in five licks, three nice chomps and two gnaws and your done.
And that my friends… time. Well, my version of what time is anyway. I have heard many a SK say that we dogs have no concept of time. And I wonder how they could think that. I mean…we are all alive and breathing and living moment to moment. SK’s and dogs both feel things. Emotionally and physically. We worry. We feel excitement, joy, pain and relief. How would it be possible that if we can experience all of these things, like one another.. that we would not feel the affects of time as well?
On that note. I’m out of time. I’ve timed out. Time to go. I feel sleepy. And hungry. My time continuum is fuzzy. Is it morning yet? Is my SK coming home soon? Ops…wait….there she is at the door. Better get off Lappy and go lie down right in front of the door.
She likes it when she has to step over me to come in to the house.
:) Haley
Hey Haleys,
I like your concepts of time. Never thought of it that ways. But that's what I do... Rawhidin'... nappin'... eatin'... walkin's... ridin' in my fast green machine... watchin' my sec, ∆≈, paints... my mum, ∆√, quiltin'... barkin's and sleepin'.
Glad you're backs, Rippy van Haleys.
Freda, at 2:21 PM
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