Dogs of the North Wind
OK, here is what is on my mind. I'm HOT! And it's HOT AROUND HERE!!!!! I'm pretty sure I am not in Kansas anymore. Our North Winds are hotter than Hades and all the trips to the river and cool baths my sidekick is offering, are just not the same as say, laying around in the snow. Ahh the crystal mornings with the dew drop falling. The snow. The beautiful crisp yet delicate snow. Tonight I will wish for a miracle out of nowhere. For snow to appear in a heat index of 100.
There is an upside to the heat...more trips to the river and more chances to trade tennis balls with other ball loving dogs. Except if you run into the 'selfish dog'. I shall explain. Yesterday, while at the river bank, my sidekick was stubbornly wishing I would just bring the ball wouldn't so she wouldn't have to walk a whole 5 feet to go pick the ball up herself!....She and I just stood there. Staring at each other. Meanwhile Cereus (a very serious black lab mix) came from out of nowhere. Got right under me and took my ball!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he didn't even offer the other ball that he had stashed in his rather large mouth, up for exchange!
*sigh* dog etiquette escapes some.
Anyway, carry on my wayward friend, your karma is right behind you. Speaking of karma, I think I must be doing well with my diet karma, because today my sidekick brought home some doggy ice cream for me. She really can be sweet sometimes..and speaking of sweet, that ice cream was tasty! Maybe I'm officially OFF of my diet. Just in time for all those summer bbq's.
Well, everyone does need something to believe in.
I do feel thinner.
That is all. My sidekick is going to the ice box again to retrieve an ice cube for me. Bless her unconditional un-airconditioned heart.
I love Frosty Paws! They are so cold! Wonder if Jello ice cubes would taste good?
It hasn't gotten that hot here. My humans haven't even turned on the AC yet. I think they have needed it once or twice but they want to tough it out. All the neighbors' ACs have been going off and on since the middle of May. So what gives? I know it hits the 100s here. The humans will crumble and turn it on when it does. I just know it, though Dad did spend three weeks in Peru during August. Hmmm... Oh, Oh. I may be in trouble.
If it is hot I too get an ice cube or two and I lie on the cool cool tile floor. Ahh!
I am not a ball dog. I guess I missed out on that part of my childhood. My new humans have tried with the ball thing but no luck. Maybe it's because I'm part terrier and have my nose in a hole whenever we are on a walk.
Down with selfish canines!
Freda, at 9:43 PM
Ice cubes are my favorite treat! My human gives me a whole bunch at a time and I crunch them enthusiastically.
I'm not a ball dog either. I'm a food dog.
Sam the black GSD, at 11:10 AM
I appreciate our differences freda and sam. Balls are good, no GREAT, but I understand that there are other things in this dog-gy dog-gy world to encompass our love and admirations. Both holes and food are excellent choices!
Haley the Fabulous Ball-loving Black Lab, at 7:23 PM
What about installing a hole in the lawn that is kept stocked with cookies and tennis balls? Hmmm, think I'll go float this idea to the boss.
Splash, at 10:13 PM
Maybe Cereus was trying to impress you with how big his mouth was. And about that human laziness thing. No matter how many repetitions, they will not walk for the ball more than a few times.
What about equal ball rights? Why do dogs have to do all the work when it comes to bringing back balls? I just want what's coming to me; I just want my fair share . . .
Unknown, at 8:47 AM
Exxxactly. Balls, cookies, walking for the ball....these are things, simple things that seem easy enough to supply us dogs - without any added stress or effort for them.
Silly sidekicks. Silly, silly sidekicks.
And yeah, Cal maybe Cereus WAS trying to impress me with his big ole' honkin mouth.
I was looking rather babalicious that day.
Haley the Fabulous Ball-loving Black Lab, at 1:03 PM
I love dat icecream. In fact Vilhelm just vent to dairy queen to get us all a cone......yep me too cause i've been a good dog. Think Cool Haley!
Heidi, at 7:14 PM
Hey, by the way, have you listened to that Kansas album Monolith lately Haley?
Just wondering,
P.S. If it's not too hot today, maybe we can go to walk at St. Svenavas of da Nord field by da Lefsa and Coffee Cafe (across from the Hokey Deer Der over-rated corporate stinky coffee place.
Unknown, at 10:50 PM
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