Haley's Corner

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Rave On!

Hello all! Well, now that summer is fully upon us here in the great midwest, I am spending more time outside. More time = finding balls. ALL OVER THE PLACE! Some I find just on the edge of someone's lawn and sometimes my sidekick lets me pick them up. Others I find in the street up against a curb, or laying on grates near gutters. My favorites are those hiding in the tall grass up against fences at parks and school yards.

I'm thinking of developing some sort of ball/bag-harness thingy I can strap onto my back, so that I may carry all these treasures home with me! I usually end up carrying one in my mouth and the sidekick (depending on how dirty the treasure is...) carries it herself.

Nice girl I got there.

But then for the rest of the night, I just think about all the balls out there that I was unable to bring home. *Sigh* But today is another day, and so off we go. And it's been raining for a few hours, so if I find any balls today, they should nice and ripe!



  • Hey Haley, you know what? My mom bought us 100 tennis balls last Christmas on eBay. It was pretty cool when we opened/chewed that box and saw all those lovely tennis balls just for us....

    Stop by and I'll give you a few. We've gots lots.

    By Blogger Splash, at 8:07 PM  

  • Nothing I love better than to chase a lab chasing tennis balls. Thanks to you guys I'm having fun at the dog park every time.


    By Blogger Unknown, at 3:50 PM  

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